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At Virginia Intensity Fastpitch, we understand the value of team athletics. We are a team founded in positivity and want to challenge the old standard of coaching. We believe team athletics are a great way to develop critical skills and form meaningful friendships. Our team is designed to provide young girls with an environment that encourages success both on and off the field. Our core values are built around positivity, hard work, and respect for others.

Core Values


"Through heart and hard work, may we soar like eagles"


We are committed to the highest sense of integrity encompassing every aspect of our behavior as members of the Intensity Fastpitch Community.  We will take ownership of our actions, on and off the field.

Strength in Community
We are a community encompasing our teams, coaches, players, parents, fans, officials, alumni, and the surrounding area. We serve as role models, mentors, and leaders seeking not only to teach others but also to learn from them.  We take pride in creating and fostering life enhancing relationships, which lead to a strong and vibrant community.

Respect for the game.  Respect for our opponents.  Respect for officials.  Respect for our families.  Respect for our community.  Respect for each other.  Respect for ourselves. The name on the front of our uniform is who we play for, the name on the back is who raised us. We will make both proud to know us.

Competitive Spirit
We use the competitive spirit and sportsmanship we develop as teammates to do our best to become the very best.  Our goal is to compete and to excel no matter our level while acting and competing in a way that reflects our core values.


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